31 Days of Letting People Know...

So. Here's the thing.

I've been off facebook for a little while now, and through a series of other circumstances, emotional events, conflicts and other regular life stuff, I have been knocked off my footing a little bit.

Nothing terrible. Just off a bit. Uneasy.


As it turns out, facebook, while doing its part to pile on the insecurities, also served up an adoring audience of thumbs-up giving friends, who virtually validated me every day. But now that I've left the auditorium...

"26 people like this!" is no longer countering the cries of "I DON'T LIKE SWEET POTATOES."

"Do you know what it's like shopping with three chimpanzees?" ... no one cares.

There's no little comment box that pops up above my head when I voice something hilarious - just crickets. Uncomfortable silence. God loves me, I know. But I'm not sure he laughs at my jokes. And he definitely doesn't eat my sweet potatoes.

Over the last few weeks, as I've read and studied and searched and cried a bit, I keep coming back to this: Within our friendships, we need validation. I need validation, more than I care to admit. We don't tell people enough that we just like each other.

Confession time: With the facebook thumbs gone, I have been having trouble believing that I am liked. I got used to having a quantifier; 37 likes! Stupid facebook and your thumbs. 

But facebook understands human nature. Even surrounded by people who love us, we need to know that we are liked, that our personalities and quirks and gifts are appreciated, our jokes are funny, our friendship is worth someone's time. We need to know that we bring something to the table that would be missing if we didn't show up. Everyone needs to know that the people who love us... also really like us. 

I think maybe, as a Church, we hide behind this love thing a bit. We hear a lot of "Love you, brother - see you next week." But what if actual, Biblical loving looks a lot more like "liking?" And not the thumbs-up, that-was-funny-online-kind-of-liking, but the "Hey, I like you because when you laugh out loud stuff comes out your nose," kind of liking...the kind that only comes from time spent together outside of church?

The up side of the last few weeks? I have had some very real connections with some very real friends who have helped me regain my lost footing. Being more in tune with real life and not social media reality kind of facilitates that. I haven't been "following" them, so I have to actually, you know, ask how things are going.

So, taking a hint from the encouragement I've received from those flesh and blood friends whose time spent with me has let me know that I am not just loved, but I am liked, I've committed to 31 days of letting people know I like them, right here on this blog, for all the interweb to see.

Stay tuned...we'll see what happens. I'm not sure how or if it'll translate well to blog posts...but I'll give it a go.

Intro: Done! 

Day 1: Mom!

Day 2: World Domination, and other family topics

Day 3: My Better Half

Day 4: Did you know I have a brother?

Day 5: Taking a breather...

Day 6: And also, a sister

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 11:

Day 12:

Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15:

Day 16:

Day 17:

Day 18:

Day 19:

Day 20:

Day 21:

Day 22:

Day 23:

Day 24:

Day 25:

Day 26:

Day 27:

Day 28:

Day 29:

Day 30:

Day 31:


Am+a said…
I am just now seeing this on the 11th... and kind of late at night... but I will catch up. :-)

So glad to know that you are building up your friendships with the real-live people around you. I feel honored to have this special glimpse into your life through the blog.

Oh, and I am STILL using that piano music you sent me a few years back! Festival time will soon be upon me once again!! hahaha

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