Day 2: World Domination, and other family topics

I would bet that most people, when beginning an essay about why they like their dad, don't consider including the words "world domination."

But that's why I like my dad.

I like you, Dad, because with you, nothing, including world domination, is out of the realm of possibility. I like that your crazy ideas can still surprise us and stretch us and get us thinking outside the box. I like the way you light up when people enter the room. I like how you make plans for play - with us, with the kids, with your friends. We've learned from all of that - what may look like a tennis ball and a shoe to most is, to you, all the equipment necessary for a limitless supply of endeavors to test your prowess in feats of strategy and skill.

I like that because of you, because of the way you have always spoken to us and encouraged us to learn and read and grow, I can write sentences that include phrases like "a limitless supply of endeavors to test your prowess in feats of strategy and skill." You know our gifts and you encourage us to use them in ways we may not have considered.

I like playing games with you, and watching college football with you (most of the time). I like hearing your stories and sharing mine. I like watching you engage other people with a few simple follow up questions. I like that I can ask your opinion on any imaginable topic and you're going to have an opinion.

I like that you look out for mom. I love watching you two together. You are generous with everything God has given to you. I like that you can run a company or memorize and present the findings of a research report but you need our help to wash strawberries.

You tear up at weird times. I like that, because I do too. You can't let someone's good idea go without trying to turn it into a great idea. I like that, because I do that too. You are passionate when you believe you're right. I like that, because I am too.

Dad, you are the most validating person in my life. I like being with you, because in your presence, I make sense.


Now...who do you need to tell?

This post is part of a 31 day writing challenge. 
You can find links to the rest of the posts in the series here.


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