Day 1: Mom

Let's pretend this was posted Wednesday, okay? Thanks.

Because, Wednesday, in addition to being the first day of October and the first day of this writing challenge, was also, a number of years ago, the first day of my mom's life.

So it seemed like a good opportunity to spend some time telling my mom why I like her. But I missed it.

Mom, I like you because I don't think you'll care that this is a day late. I like that you're laid back like that. (At least it's earlier than your real present!)

Mom, I like you because whenever humanly possible, you are smiling. You not only tolerate us and all of our mood swings, difficulties and take-over-the-world tendencies, you are the hub of the wheel and your dedication to gathering the 20 of us together as often as possible is establishing a legacy of family togetherness that will endure. I like that when my friends run into you around town they a) know who you are, and b) make a point to tell me how sweet you are.

I like you because you are up for anything. Outings, sleepovers, roller coasters, concerts, travel -always travel - you are a dependable playmate for all of us. You make things fun for your grandkids and us, and seem to genuinely enjoy doing it.

I like hearing stories of your adventures growing up around the world and traveling it last week or last month or what you have planned next year. I love that you want to share more of those adventures with us, and that you don't look at us like we're crazy when we ask for input about a trip we're planning for 2019 - usually because you've already thought of it. I love that you listen and ask questions and make a point to know each and every one of your kids and grandkids in a special way. And I love that your friends have been friends for decades - your loyalty inspires me.

I like how selflessly you serve. I like that you are committed not only to our family, but also to your church family. I like that you have let God work in your life over our lifetimes, and I like that we have all benefited from your openness to His leading.

I like sitting together with a diet coke, commiserating about our genetic predisposition to sweets and aversion to dieting and exercise.  I like sharing music and movies and tv shows and books with you. I like that you are always learning and growing and encouraging us to do the same. 

I love you, mom. But I like you, mom, because you are easy to be with. You have established a comfortable and welcoming home to match your ever-sweet disposition. I like having you around. And Happy Birthday!

Now...who do you need to tell?


This post is part of a 31 day writing challenge. 
You can find links to the rest of the posts in the series here.


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