Where is Mister Rogers When You Need Him?

It has been said that I am easily amused. Little things fascinate me. I like to know how things work. I like factory tours and behind-the-scenes stuff and those specials on Discovery Channel. I was definitely brought up this way: I remember my brother telling me about a conversation he'd recently had about "Jet Puffed Marshmallows." Topics covered were: What does "Jet-Puffed" mean? How big-a-jet are we talkin? What keeps the marshmallows from exploding when "jet puffed"?

Several weeks ago, the girls and I caught an episode of the rarely aired Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. In that one episode, the inimitable Mr. R shed light on two very interesting processes when he visited a sleeping bag factory and a dollmaker's workshop. Have you ever thought about how a sleeping bag is assembled? Me neither, but now I know, and I am a better person for it.

So here are a few jobs I would like to shadow for a day (or watch Mister Rogers shadow them), because every experience I have with them is one of wonder.

1. The U.S. Postal Service. Particularly the job of a letter carrier. The fact that any mail addressed to me shows up at my house is mind-boggling to me. And that it only costs 41 cents a piece. I see the guy walking around, sorting stuff as he walks...how does it happen?

2. The Dry Cleaner. Not so much how the clothes get clean, but how is it possible that I get my own clothes back? I drop a heap of clothes on the counter, they scribble out a tab and slide my heap over to make room for the next person's heap. How in the world?

3. The Blood Lab. Unmarked stickers + various colored tubes of different sizes = accurate results. Or so they say.

What's on your list?


Justmatt said…
I heart Mr. Rogers! Why oh why don't the play that show more often?!
Until they do...enjoy:
Justmatt said…
I'm back with good news!
Mr. Rogers is on EVERY WEEKDAY at 1pm on chanel 42!
Anonymous said…
Amy I use to have a whole VCR tape of Mr. Rogers...if you have a VCR I'll try to find the tape...Matt used to watch them over and over and over. lynda
Justmatt said…
WOW - Look who came out of the wood works! And I still would watch that over and over!
I, too, am somewhat facinated by the post office. I was once told that a letter with this address:

actually made it to John Underhill of Andover, Mass. Those people are amazing.
cool mum said…
Was that JustMom??? hehehe awesome. I LOVE Mr. Rogers. I plan to ask for the dvd box sets for Cool Baby's bdays. I've seen one that even comes wrapped in a zip-up sweater!

I second the vote for a behind the scenes post office visit.
Autumn said…
Actually, I believe one can arrange a visit to the Post Office under the auspices of "Home Schooling." And I think it's FREE...I could find out from one of my resourceful home school cohorts? I don' t think we can get away with out bringing the kids, though....:)However, while Hip mama thinks it would be fun, I'm not sure how many "Cool Points" any of us would get for actually arranging and participating in such a fascinating field trip. BTW Mr. Rodgers is my Hero.
Justmatt said…
Wait wait wait cool Mum...
You're saying there are box sets? I have been looking and all I can find are single episodes? Please do tell where said box sets can be found! : ) and yes that was Just Mom. Finally making an appearance!
Anonymous said…
just mom just figured out how to make the appearance!
cool mum said…
On second look, they are not exactly box sets...2 episodes per DVD, some sold together:


i would love to have the sweatered one! They do have old school Sesame Street box sets on Amazon though!

Hmm...do you think my kids will be warped if they are only allowed to watch these two shows, and only the episodes made in the 80s? ha
Amy said…
cool mum - Your kids wouldn't be warped - they'd be just like our kids! Oh, wait, are ours warped? We have 10 discs of Muppet Show episodes and for awhile our oldest was a little Danny Kaye groupie.

Autumn - I would be sooo up for that! I'm sure I could drag a kid along.
Anonymous said…
Good stuff. Good blog.

I really like Mr. Rogers as a kid. That show made we want to build model trains, but I never did. :(

Justmatt said…
Now is the time Nathan! Now is the time!
Levi Muller said…
For reasons like the sleeping bag factory, I love the show Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe ... educational and entertaining.
Amy said…
Oh, soon it will cost 42 cents to get those letters to your door. (in May)

stock up on on forever stamps!

(nice name by the way!)
Amy said…
Matt, we have a visiting Amy! She was complimenting my name. Way to pay attention.

Levi - YES, that is a great show. I caught one of those on how they clean organ pipes and it was fascinating. No cable in the house means I have to have good timing at someone else's home to catch the good stuff. So, I rely on Mister Rogers and my 3 trusty PBS stations.

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