Day 7: 31 days is a lot of days

When I committed to this project last week, I knew I was being impulsive. But liking people was on my heart, so it's what I jumped at. I could easily list 31 people that I felt needed to know...I'd just work my way through my own family and get into the mid-20s...

But what I didn't consider was confidentiality. It's one thing to write "Brother," or "Sister." I have one of each. Can't mix 'em up. But I am about to dive into a matrix of nephews, nieces and in laws that, without using names, is likely to confuse even me. And then if I start in on friends? Well, it's going to start sounding like a litany of unspoken praise reports. "Ive got this friend..."

So because this challenge is primarily about me typing something for 31-days, I'm going to go back to the drawing board, and maybe figure out how to tell some of these stories in a different way.

Speaking of doing something a different way - remember that sister I wrote about? Well, she married this incredible guy - maybe the most likeable guy on the planet. This guy is a do-anything-for-anybody, scout master, 80s-hair-band-rocking drummer who knows everything about everything and is completely down for a good time, anytime. And he can FIX ANYTHING. It may take him hours or days and a hundred different ways, but he will work like a Doozer until he figures it out.

He is agreeable, affirming and affectionate, a perfect balance in a family who, for the most part, is challenging, challenging and, well, challenging. He is committed to and adoring of my sister and their three? four? it seems like 100? kids. I like him a lot, and I wish we got to spend more time together. 

And today is his birthday. So happy birthday, Brother-in-law. I like you very much!!


This post is part of a 31 day writing challenge. 
You can find links to the rest of the posts in the series here.


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