A Few Things I Love

It has been kind of a weird week, and as I've tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to organize my thoughts, there is one thought I keep coming back to...

I love this.

It's been a week of gratitude, not for anything in particular, but just that I get to be a part of this. This life. This family. These friends. This church. This place.

It's been a week of searching, of evaluating my gifts, my weaknesses, my offerings and my shortcomings...of wrestling with whether I'm in the right place, with the right people, doing the right things...or enough of the right things.

I think I am.

It's been a week of being reminded of God's faithfulness in spite of my fogginess - a 95% on a math test, an unexpected "I'm thankful for you" text, the opportunity to settle a silly bet between friends, two unexpected amaryllis flowers in my backyard, a new favorite song that reminds me of what it means to be in a Gospel community, a husband who gets my quiet days, a long-time friend who didn't let me take my ball and go home.

I sent my soul-sister a message and told her I was in a weird place, and she said "What's the address?" That was pretty awesome.

This reminded me of another friend who faithfully offers to get us adjoining rooms in a posh treatment center when we just can't take it anymore. It always makes us laugh, but kind of nervously, like maybe we shouldn't joke about it because if it happens someday it's going to be very expensive and that is money that could be spent on things that make us happy, like pedicures and giant, fake gold necklaces. But that's pretty awesome, too.  

Today we dressed like pirates and got free donuts. It's hard to miss God's faithfulness when He allows days like that.

I love this.


Unknown said…
Amazing song! I couldn't stop listening to Love Songs & Lies, so I broke down and decided to buy it on iTunes :) Thanks for sharing!

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