New Ministry Opportunity

I don't spend a lot of time in other states, but my assumption is that South Florida is kind of an alien place - a place where the rest of the world visits and thinks, "you're kidding, right?" I mean, it's weird to have an entire transaction at a movie theater box office without a single word being exchanged, right? Or to see a unicyclist riding down the sidewalk of a six-lane thoroughfare? Or to see a license plate like this?

Or...this one?

Technically, we spotted both of those in CENTRAL Florida, which is a different kind of weird, but I'm willing to bet these were South Floridians visiting Orlando for the weekend. Because of all of the things South Floridians have in abundance, self-importance is at the top of the list.

I wasn't able to snap a photo of the tag that inspired this post, so you'll have to take my word for it. It was one of those rare moments where I actually noticed the weirdness and thought, "you're kidding, right?" I spent too much time contemplating and not enough time grabbing the camera to get it before the light turned green.

It said "BORED."

It was on a very expensive car.

It was one of those moments (and there are many) when I wish I had Don Miller or Shaun Groves on speed dial. I debated following Mr. Bored, asking him a few questions and maybe giving him some ideas of ways to spice up his life. But I didn't - though that probably would've made a better story.

One of the service projects we intend to do with the girls is to create "love bags" to keep in the car to give out to wandering homeless people - a bag stocked with things that will help them get through a day or two. But maybe we also need to keep a box filled with giveaway copies of A Million Miles in a Thousand Years to attend to the needs of those South Floridians who have a home (or two or three), but are still wandering.


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