There's No Turning Back Now...

Seriously. Make one little decision, tell a few people and WHAM! - the inbox is filled with insights, advice and formerly-irrelevant-but-suddenly-spot-on marketing messages. It's like the universe, or at least MY universe, has been waiting for us to decide to homeschool. With a collectively breathed "at last," sources across space and time are unloading the wisdom that they have been courteously holding back for a few years.

Focus on the Family sends me regular emails, which I regularly delete before reading. But I was physically unable to delete this week's, which had the words "effective" and "homeschool" in it. I figured maybe God had pushed Dr. Dobson aside and was trying to get my attention. My theory was confirmed when 2 other people forwarded me the same email. The article was encouraging and included a link to an entire series of practical, how-to-start-homeschooling posts.

Over the last couple of weeks I have alternated between reading books, meeting with other new homeschool families, sitting with experienced home educators, denying completely that anything needs to be done and focusing on the obstacles standing between me and an effective home school.

One by one, those obstacles are being "mysteriously" removed - the girls were invited to sleep over with some of their favorite babysitters, allowing Matt and me time to clear out the house and make room for school. We happened to pass a couple of garage sales and found some great buys that have helped us create space. I had just enough of a bug to stay home from church, allowing me time alone to sort through materials and make some curriculum decisions. Then I found some of the curriculum on ebay, which is great because this stuff adds up.

So with books on their way, closets organized and kids ready to start tomorrow (their plan, not mine), I'm feeling pretty good today.


Amy, this is awesome! I love when God does this - confirms our decisions and removes obstacles. Woo-hoo!

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