That Day is coming...

I was entering appointments and dates and commitments into my planner this morning and it seemed as if I'd reached the end of summer with just three page flips. With great hesitation, I entered the last four words of Summer:

"First Day of School"

Although it's only June and we're just finishing up our second full week of freedom, That Day looms ahead, taunting me with its reminder of a decision that needs to be made.

I've been using the word "if" a lot. IF we decide to stay where we are. IF we homeschool. IF we this...then that. "We haven't decided yet" is also buying me some time. But I am a person who doesn't cope well with indecision, so these ifs and haven't yets are starting to stress me out - so much so that on June 24, I am already dreading That Day, 8 weeks away.

We're trying to come at this decision from a number of different angles, and hopefully I'll get a chance to sit down and write more about each of them, if only just to make it clear in my own head.

First, of course, is: What does God want us to do? Well, we believe that God would have us to love mercy, to do justly and to walk humbly with Him. (Micah 6:8) So which of these options - home school or public school - gives us more of an opportunity to a) practice those things and b) teach our children to practice those things?

Secondly, which decision is best for our family? How would our individual children benefit from each option, and where would they best grow and develop into the counter-cultural, compassionate, creative and committed young women that we desire for them to be?

Third, which decision is best for the Kingdom? Where can our family best be used by God to make an impact on or even to transform our community? What opportunities does each option offer us to serve others?

Finally, which one will enable our family to live a better story? Read A Million Miles in A Thousand Years by Don Miller if this doesn't mean anything to you.

And with that, we're going to enjoy summer at the water park...with the decision postponed at least one more day.


Melanie said…
We've been pondering the Decision too. Our oldest would start school next fall so we have a tad more than 8 weeks but it still weighs heavy on my mind. I've been doing some reading and praying and believe that homeschool will be the best for my kids. That's what we'll be planning on come fall '11. I'll be praying for you, Amy. I'm planning on writing some stuff down too about our decisions and plans regarding reading, writing and 'rithmatic. I'll blog about it one day...maybe when I have free time?
Ohhhhh, wow. This is a big deal. I know you'll figure it out, but I don't envy the process!

I'm going through a similar process myself - work or stay at home. The questions, the doubts, the confusion: it's unceasing! Maybe I need a day at the water park! ;)

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