Weigh In Day

Well, it hasn't been my best week.

Which, I think, means that I have turned a corner. Because this "not so great week" still contained at least 4 days of cardio and the majority of the eating decisions I made were wise.

AND we had company in town.

So, though I should be feeling pretty good about surviving the week, I'd like to be a little more "in control" this week. Confession time: I didn't enter one thing on sparkpeople. Not one exercise or food. That may seem trivial, but not seeing the calories being counted makes it really easy to throw an extra spoonful of dinner on my plate or an extra handful of snack in my mouth. I also didn't blog consistently, which distanced me a little bit from my plan.

That said, this week's results were still okay, if not slightly encouraging. I seem to be down another pound, to 2% gone. I say "seem to be" because I am convinced that my scale needs to be replaced. If that's correct, I'm a little off my ideal pace, but I'm not concerned.

The scale may be bad, but I'm fairly confident that my tape measure is in good working order. If it's to be trusted, then I am pleased to report that while I may not be noticeably lighter, there is less of me to see. So, hooray for that.

I'll be back this week with a couple more excuses and some other great posts I've got floating around in my head.

1. Exercised twice with company in town. This morning, I actually ran on the road, not on the treadmill. Conquered three fears here: running in public, running with people, and running on a surface that isn't moving beneath me.
2. Still no french fries. The victory here isn't that I don't order them, but that I don't grab them from someone else's plate. You'd be surprised how absent-mindedly that can happen.
3. There is half of a sheet carrot cake in the fridge and a whole batch of peanut butter candies on the counter. I am not, at this moment, eating any of them. Nor do I have plans to. I do, however, need to get them out of the house as soon as possible.
4. Smaller portions seem to be coming more naturally.


Mom said…
Sorry about the carrot cake...Matt said Shawn wanted it! Hooefully he ate it.
Amy said…
He ate some. It will be at the office tomorrow. :)
Absent-minded eating and large portions are two of my roadblocks. Good for you for overcoming them!! :)

And by the way, I sure do think it's nice how your mom is reading and commenting.

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