The Target Date

All good weight loss programs will encourage their participants to set a target date.

My target date is usually "3 years ago." This probably has something to do with my chronic frustration. I want it off, and I want it off 3 years ago. Even if I have an arbitrary future date set, my reality is that this extra baggage shouldn't be here in the first place, so I shouldn't even be having this argument with myself, and having to spend time and effort getting rid of something that I never asked for in the first place goes against all of my efficiency instincts.

People say weight loss is a journey that I have to take with myself. Starting a trip with someone you're mad at it is not an auspicious beginning.

So this time, I am putting what's past behind me (technically it already is...behind me), giving myself and my extra 20 a great big hug and packing for a great trip. Destination: February 25.

February 25 isn't as arbitrary as my usual target dates. We'll just leave it at that, for now.


It's good to have a date with your goal. My big goal is my birthday (in December), but I need to set smaller ones for the trip along the way...

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