Someday...or never...

Woke up at 4:30 this morning, studied the Word for about 30 minutes, prayed for another 30. Tied on the sneaks and jogged two miles, returning in time to start the coffee for my beloved husband. Jumped in the shower and dressed - today was a Lilly day...skirt, heels, great matching tank. Applied makeup while listening to the family beginning to stir.

Produced a fresh, fluffy towel for Matt and crossed the hall to rouse the girls, who were already awake, dressed and cheerful. The three of us headed to the kitchen where I'd laid the skillet out and made the batter last night. Over a breakfast of whole wheat, organic pancakes, vegetarian eggs and fresh strawberries from our garden, we read our devotional book together and prayed for a peaceful day of loving Jesus as a family.

I cleaned the kitchen while the girls brushed their teeth and then took my spot at the piano, where Eden and I spent 20 minutes happily but intensely focusing on things like hand position and dynamics. I handed her lunch over - lettuce wraps, hummus and organic yogurt, of course - and send her on her way to school. She and daddy sing praise songs all the way there.

The day is spent in various ways - gardening, sewing, ironing, laundering. I also volunteer, call old friends and write a chapter in my book. Chloe and I fingerpaint and do puzzles together before meeting some friends at the park. We've packed a picnic - I'd put together some chicken salad sandwiches (I baked the bread overnight) and a vegetable crudite for us to share. We share the brownies with our friends and give our leftovers to the homeless man on the corner. We stop at the library to exchange our stack of books on our way home.

I always freshen up before Matt comes in the front door - I've been preparing dinner for an hour and I'd hate for him to find me smelling like those scallions and rosemary from the garden. Dinner is on the table when he arrives, the girls are bathed and Eden is finishing up her homework. We eat together and tell jokes. It's Chloe's turn to pick the board game - she chooses Boggle, Jr. and we play until it's time for books, prayers and bed.


Who says being a mom is so hard? Especially a Christian mom! Who cares about her kids' health! And her appearance! And her husband!

Most of my days, I spend beating myself up in some way or another for not having a day like that. And it's absurd.


How dull! Where is the fight that triggers a passionate make-up kiss? Where is the accident that grants you a chance to nurse your baby back to smiles and giggles through her tears? Where is the moment of embarassment that reminds us of our humanity? Where is the crazy pet or toddler who in its/her enthusiam knocks red kool-aid on white carpet, reminding us that temporal things are unimportant and fleeting? No, I don't have days like the one you described! I thank God for that. Imperfections are so much more fun! I am very sure your days are much, much more exciting than that.
Debby Sutton said…
Who actually had a day like this? Superwoman? puh-leaze.

Sure, it might be possible one day -- when we live in a world without sin.
Amy said…
I know, I know!! This is why I surround myself with people like you two!! But living in South Florida, and in the church... sometimes the pressure to perform is pretty intense. I spend lots of time trying to free others from their need to perform...and then I turn around and succumb to the same self-imposed guilt of not meeting those same false expectations.
Your post made me laugh. But then...I had to think. Even though I am reasonable and intelligent, I have to admit that part of me honestly believes that other moms spend days like this on a regular basis. So crazy!!

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