Some Holiday Thoughts

1. Yes, Chloe got the Ballet Dancer Costume. Thank you all for your concern. Santa came through, and we have had a little ballerina around here for the last 10 days

2. Dollhouse is an out-of-the-park home run. Here's one photo:

3. I am inexplicably sad about Jett Travolta. Beyond just the tragedy of someone losing a child. I've been trying to put my finger on why I feel so connected to the story, other than just being a media geek, and I think it's because I feel a little bit like I've grown up with John Travolta. For just about all of my life, he's been just about everywhere - and he always seems like one of the nice ones. And I also think it's because I know he's not a believer, so I'm wondering where his hope and the hope of his family is going to come from? And that makes me sad. For them. And kind of mischeiviously hopeful that God will use this opportunity to grab a hold of everyone's favorite Danny Zuko and use him to start a Hollywood revival. Because THAT'S the kind of God I serve.

4. New year, New Me. Yes, I am falling prey to the timing of the New Year's Diet. But so far - one full day within points, and no caffeine today! Woohoo!

5. I am looking forward to catching up on all your blogs...I'm sure you've been writing voluminous amounts of insightful work while I've been a hermit!


cool mum said…
love love love that dollhouse!
Loren Eaton said…
They'd better like the dollhouse! I'll take it if they don't want it.

Oh, and caffeine is a gift from God, created on the eighth day.
I'm back on the WW wagon, too. We can do it this time!!
Post more dollhouse pictures, please. I love them!

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