My New Job

The day that I received the call about my 3rd piano student dropping out, I had a message from a friend who wanted to talk to me about some work. It was one of those times when I felt God winking at me, reminding me that He is the kind of God who will take employment away and replace it with bigger, better employment.

That's not what He did this time. But He can.

So, with a certain percentage of our income no longer coming in, (I will do some work for my friend, but on a volunteer basis) I have dedicated myself to a new job: Spending less. My first week on the job has been, if I may say so myself, pretty successful! Ladies and gentlemen, I give new project.

Exhibit A - The list of BOGO specials at 2 local grocery stores:

Exhibit B - A list of meals for the next 3 weeks.

Exhibit C - The amount I saved shopping on BOGO and coupons at the FIRST store.

Exhibit D - The amount I saved using BOGOs and coupons at the SECOND store. (I don't know why it uploaded sideways.)

Total saved - $144.19! Not to mention what we'll save by not eating out or having to shop for the next 3 weeks...

My apologies for this shameless pat of myself on the back.


Cool Dad said…
YES. This stuff is like music to my ears.
WOW! That's awesome!!

And...a little crazy...because AGAIN I was planning to post on this very thing. This week. Probably tomorrow.

From a different perspective, of course. But still. Are you reading my mind or WHAT?! :)
berry said…
awesome Amy! Don't forget your co-brain child...

okay, now we've both made shameless plugs.
Matt said…
Amy, if you find yourself writing more often about how you're spending less, we'd love to feature your posts at SLGM (Berry's plug above). You could just give them all a common tag–spendless, or saving, for example–and we could import them over.

Let me know what you think!
Amy said…
Cool Dad - I knew you'd be proud!

Yes, Photo, I believe there is some weird telepathy thing going on here!

Bear - Hooray! I can't wait for you guys to get that going.

Matt - Sure! They'll get better than this, I hope.
Autumn said…
I think I'll blow up the picture of your meals and use it! Ha.... Great Job.
Very cool and so well documented. My, we are hyper-organized!
cool mum said…
Add another big pat on the back from me! Yay!
Brenda said…
I'm curious and a little embarrassed to say that I don't know what BOGO is. But, wow, I'm super impressed with your savings!

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