Change is Good

I will say it. I'm not afraid. Ready? I am a fan of Change.

Every now and then I discover this about myself - that I have this unsatisfied wanderlust. I love to mix things up. I want, need, crave... change. I want to rearrange furniture. Throw everything out and start over. Move. I want to eat different foods and read different books and reinvent myself as an athlete...a writer...a crafter...a chef. I want my philosophies to shift, I want my climates to evolve. I want to meet new people, visit new places, try kitesurfing. And if I try kitesurfing, it would be okay if I were to break both legs, because then my life would change, and I would get to try all new ways of doing things.

I didn't vote for Change. At least, I didn't vote for the one who claimed Change as a platform. My guy would have changed things too, but he couldn't say it as well the one who changed the course of our history today. But still, I found myself goofy with excitement for Inauguration Day, because today marked a change. I am almost giddy with anticipation for the change we will see, just because it will be something new. Not because the old was so bad, but because new is so good. So fresh. So fun. Good or bad, it will be change. And change is exciting.

Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if change was a normal part of my life. Maybe if I was forced to move cross country every 2 years or was dealing with an unpredictable illness or had a volatile family life or lived in a country that saw new government every 6 months I would resent change and crave stability instead. But that's not my life. My life is rooted, established and great.

But I like puzzles. I like moving parts. I like the challenge of playing a new hand, and seeing what God will lay down next. And so, I welcome today's change, and any more that are to come. At least, until I have no more moves.

How about you?


Loren Eaton said…
Uh, oh, I think you've come down with a bad case of hopenchange fever. Don't worry, there's a lot of it going around. Take two chapters of Russell Kirk or Martin Luther and call me in the morning.
Insert my usual "me, too" here. :) My need for change, I'm sure, is largely behind my job hopping.

As for today's events, I'm looking forward to change, too. I'm excited to see what happens now. I was being pretty cynical earlier today, but thankfully I snapped out of it.
I didn't vote for the new guy. I am a cynic when it comes to politicians. No one who wants that job should ever be allowed to have it! It should be a responsibility, an unpleasant one, that citizens must share every, oh, year or so. Anyone who actually wants to be president needs inpatient psych care. However, I will pray for our new president, that he may be honest, brave, wise, and good. Maybe he won't be too huge a socialist!
Amy, did you see this? The music was pre-recorded! (Not that I blame them - I just knew those instruments couldn't play in tune in that cold!)

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