Playing Hooky

I've never known how to spell "hooky." Is that right? Hookie? Hookey? Hmmm...the last two both earned little red squiggly lines so "hooky" must be right, though it looks the most awkward.

ANYWAY, today, the big one woke up in a foul mood. There was stomping and pouting and arguing, which is sometimes indicative of a 5-year-old in the house. But then there were brain lapses and tearful outbursts, which is more indicative of exhaustion.

Normally, I'd pack her up and send her off to school where she either rises to the occasion or becomes the school-system-that-demands-attendance's problem. But today is Science Club day. We count down to Science Club day. It is her favorite day of the week. And when she comes home late on Tuesday afternoons, she is completely fried.

Though it was early in the morning, I did the math. (One already-fried-kid with an immune deficiency) plus (one overstimulating day in a germy environment) equals one sick kid. To complicate matters, we will soon be heading to The Happiest Place on Earth.

More math: (Happiest Place on Earth) % (fried, sick kid) = Not the Happiest Place on Earth.

I weighed the option of just skipping Science Club, but that was equivalent to letting her go to a birthday party without being allowed to eat cake. So, I kept her home altogether. We are having a quiet day at home. Hopefully we will take nice, long naps this afternoon. I am missing my Bible Study, and the opportunity to do a few errands while on my own. But maybe, just maybe, though we are forfeiting our perfect attendance awards (not that we were candidates, anyway), we’ll avoid the sickness this time.

Has anyone else allowed their kids (or themselves?) to play preventative hooky?


Brenda said…
I was just visiting over at the Cool Family blog and guess what? You're my BBFF!!! I'm so excited! I'm tellin' ya... we'd probably smoke The Amazing Race.
Call it a mental health day!

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