Christmastime is Here!

In spite all of my very best efforts to plan ahead and be able to have a relaxing few weeks around Christmas, I am not having a relaxing few weeks around Christmas. And the truth is, when I'm being honest, I kind of prefer it that way. I love having long lists of things to do and places to go. I love crossing things off as I go along. I love hustle and bustle and household management (except for the cleaning. i don't love the cleaning). So, even though I talk big every year, I don't think I'd be happy with a few relaxing weeks. I think I'd be bored, and would therefore make up things to do.

So in this coming series of mini blogs, faithful readers will learn about some of the things I've been doing in the last few weeks, that have kept me so very far away from my bloggy home.

Hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas!!


I'd be bored without a long list, too. Although, I'd like to try it. Just once. You know, to see how it feels. To be bored. Relaxed. Calm...


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