Mini-Blog #5: Update to Mini-Blog #3

This morning, Eden spent her breakfast time dutifully writing. Writing, writing, writing. Several times I had to ask her to put down her pen and pick up her waffle.

By the time we whisked her away from the table and into the car, she was rehearsing that which she'd been working so hard on. It was a song she'd written to sing to her (public school) class.

The words:

God, God is good
God, God is so good
He loves me and He loves you
God, God is good

(or something like that)

She rehearsed in the driveway. She rehearsed in the car. She hopped out of the car and showed the lyrics to the crossing guard - while I prayed. I prayed for her to never lose her innocence or her boldness. I prayed for her teacher not to make a big deal out of her "preaching" or squash her little ambitions. I prayed that her little heart would never be hardened by kids who laugh or authority figures who try to silence her. I prayed that we'd be worthy parents to this awesome little kid.


Brenda said…
How absolutely precious. That brought tears to my eyes.
You've got one amazing kiddo, Amy.
Justmatt said…
You gotta give them the update Amy! It's gonna be me, I can tell.

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