Mini-blog #1: Oatmeal

On Monday, I made oatmeal. This is not ground breaking, per se, unless you are familiar with my affinity for oatmeal. Take me out to breakfast, walk me past a brunch buffet, and nine times out of ten I will forego the made to order omelets or gourmet stuffed french toast for a huge bowl of sticky industrial strength Irish famine oatmeal. Some people get excited about elaborate midnight buffets or lobster nights on a cruise...I look forward to the oatmeal.

My love affair with porridge began when one of my mom's best friends (I didn't have aunts nearby, I had mom's best friends) introduced me to restaurant oatmeal in late elementary school. We'd order our bowls together and hide behind the carafe of coffee, spooning teaspoon after teaspoon of brown sugar into it like partners in crime. She passed away several years ago, but every time I fill a bowl I am reminded of her sweet friendship and this indulgence we shared so many times.

Until Monday, at home, I have always settled for the flavored Quaker packets. Tasty, satisfying, but not as thrilling as that which is served in a vat under a warmer. But on Monday, I was inspired to pull out my new rolled oats and set up camp at the stove, stirring until I had something that looked familiar.

I wasn't successful. My creation was a weird consistency of grainy flakiness. The sad thing is that I am so bad in the kitchen that I don't even know what went wrong. Too much water? Not enough water? Milk instead? More time? I must try again.

P.S. Also on Monday, I made homemade whole wheat cinnamon raisin bread which, contrary to my expectations, did NOT turn out like a nice smelling rock but was quite tasty. And for lunch, Chloe and I opted for make-your-own pizzas instead of our PB&J standard. So there was a bit of kitchen redemption.


Brenda said…
Hi Amy, Glad to see you are feeling better and blogging again!

I also love oatmeal and can eat it many times a week. I cook old fashioned rolled oats and put nothing on it. Brown sugar does taste delish in it, but since I put honey in my coffee, I forgo the sweetness in my oatmeal. :)

Wow, the homemade whole wheat cinnamon raisin bread sounds so good. Do you use a bread maker?
Amy said…
Thanks for your patience, Brenda! :)
Yes, I DO use a bread maker, although I'm still trying to make friends with it. The few recipes that I've tried that weren't in the booklet that came with the machine haven't worked so well - but hooray, this one did!!
Wow - homemade bread? I didn't realize bread didn't always come in a bag from the store! Just kidding - I'm quite impressed by bread that turned out well and even an attempt at homemade oatmeal!

Can't say I love the oatmeal as much as you...except for its great power in WW. I've found that when I start each day with a 2-point bowl of oatmeal, I'm much more likely to stay on program. Ummm...I haven't had oatmeal in a while...
Cool Dad said…
yeah, rolled oats rule. plus they're great in cookies!

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