Wake up call

Last night, I went to bed apprehensive about today. With 3 completely new experiences on the schedule, there was room for excitement - but my body absorbs stress and uncertainty for my brain and, so, I didn't go to bed feeling great. I didn't wake up feeling great, either.

My new position at Bible Study started this morning - not a huge deal, but as someone who likes to have it together, I was not comfortable with my level of togetherness. Then after lunch I am seeing a pulmonologist. I have never been to a pulmonologist. Will he have needles or scary contraptions? He will certainly order more borderline-necessary tests, and I am getting VERY close to no longer being a cooperative patient. Finally, we end our Day of New with that piano class I wrote about down there.

But right in the middle of all of that, I had this 1 hour window to look forward to - where I would be home, alone. Not home with sleeping kids. Just plain home, alone. It doesn't happen often. I went to bed focusing on this hour, home alone, in which I could stretch out on the bed and just enjoy the silence.

Sure, I have quite a bit of work to do on various things - but I was giving myself this one hour to recoup and re-energize and...oh, who am I kidding. I just wanted a nap. A quiet one.

So here it is. Here is what happened to my one hour.

The pressure cleaner showed up with his turbo water blaster thing to strip our house of anything resembling paint. I imagine that if I were standing in a wind tunnel during a hurricane, it would sound something like this. With some screeching.


This made me seriously Laugh Out Loud!!!!!!

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