I heart Bad Guys.

The girls put some music on this morning while we were eating breakfast. Attracted by the castle graphic on the label, Chloe chose a CD of music from the Disney parks.

The third or fourth track is the score from the Indiana Jones ride. It starts out kind of spooky - close your eyes and you can see Indy climbing through snakes and reaching for the idol. While I'm having my Great Movie Ride nostalgia moment, my musically sensitive kids start cringing and wincing and shouting "AGH!! Bad guys!!!" They could tell from the minor key and mysterious melody that something sinister was afoot.

Not two bars later and much to the relief of the children cowering at the table because of the scary music, Indiana Jones enters, triumphant with his John Williams theme music.


Then they embarked on a typical discussion:

"I like good guys. Do you like good guys?"
"Yes, I like good guys. I don't like bad guys."
"Yeah! Who likes bad guys? No one likes bad guys!"

Absentmindedly, I concurred as I spread PB&J on Chloe's sandwich. But when I processed it a few seconds later, I decided that I had concurred in error.

I like bad guys. I like good guys too. But I really like bad guys. Movie bad guys, that is. And TV bad guys. So I started to make a list.

Some of my favorite Bad Guys, in no particular order:
  1. Benjamin Linus from LOST
  2. Arvin Sloane from Alias
  3. Sark, also from Alias
  4. Nellie Oleson and Mrs. Oleson, from Little House on the Prairie
  5. Hannibal Lecter
Okay, I recognize the last one is exceptionally creepy. But he meets my main criteria for a great Villain, and that is that there be some level of mystery that draws you in closer- something alluring that makes you believe that somewhere, or at some time, there is Good. Something that inspires just a little trust...

Anyone want to play? Start listing...


I love bad guys! I would by far prefer to play the wicked stepmother to that mealy mouthed Cindersmella!
1. Ursula the sea witch
2. Hannibal Lecter
3. Dracula
4. House (is he bad just 'cause he is careless and rude?)
5. Cruela de Ville (how can you not love just great fashion sense?
Loren Eaton said…
Everyone loves Sark. It's a given.
Hannibel Lecter!!!!????? You never cease to amaze me!
Amy said…
Jennifer, is it wrong that I see you nailing that role? :) Good call on House, Dracula and Cruella.

Loren, I expected more out of you than that. Although, your list is probably too extensive for a comment box. Am I right? Long live Sark.

Combs, come on! Where's your list?! :D
Justmatt said…
The Joker
Batman (both good AND bad)
With you on linus
Boss Hog from the dukes of hazzard
Unknown said…
I agree
Benjamin Linus
and the sister from So I Married An Axe Murderer
also my daughter's favorite High School Musical character is Sharpay....is she a bad guy?
I don't know that I love any bad guys. Unless you count the bad boy-type characters. Something about a redeemed bad boy...

...but I don't think that's what you're talking about. :)
Amy said…
Dawn - Sharpay totally counts. She's fabulous.

Photo - Matt and I actually had that conversation. He was disappointed that I left him off the list, since I always say I was attracted to his bad-boy persona (that wore off about a month after we started dating.) It sparked a discussion about the difference between bad boys and bad guys. Perhaps we'll do another list of favorite "bad boys." :)

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