ho hum...*sigh*

I'm staring at this blank screen with a head full of thoughts, but none of them willing to organize themselves and dive into cyberspace.

It seems like everyone I know (or kind of know) has cool stuff going on. The Crazy Disciple is prepping to move to Paris. The Cool Parents are in the midst of job and life changes. HipMama is just so...hip. Sublimidad has a new baby at home (and that baby is sooooo cute!) Brad and Mandi are at youth camp. I believe I have at least 7 pregnant friends - none of them bloggers, so no links here. Even Brant Hansen has so much going on that he's too busy to blog.

I don't really have a point here, other than that I feel more alive when there are big happenings in our lives. I don't sit still well, and the foreseeable future has a lot of sitting still. Maybe it's vacation reentry catching up a little late. Or maybe I need to come up with something to stir up the waters a bit.

Oh, but this is kind of exciting. This morning I made some delicious blueberry pancakes with fresh blueberries that we picked at this place outside of Gainesville. Okay, that's not really that exciting.


Anonymous said…

Seriously though, make note of this day and when the world is going insane around you, you can look back to today and giggle. That is what happened to me... July 14th of last year I graduated from graduate school and got a bad case of "Now What"'s. Now I look back to that time and laugh.
Cool Dad said…
i'm with Mocha - blueberry pancakes are VERY exciting to me.

God may be sparking something within you right now.


What are your passions right now? What cool abilities/desires has God put in you?
Amy said…
Awww, thanks guys! You're both welcome to blueberry pancakes any time.

I hesitated before posting this one because "God, I'm Bored" is one of those invitations - kind of like "God, give me patience." So I know, Mocha, that tomorrow could look totally different from today, which is usually what happens when I get restless.

And you're right, cool dad - it will be interesting to see what God's next step is, though I'm pretty sure it's not birthing. :)

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