...and then Bill Cosby ate my sandwich.

I'm not a scientist, but I have a theory that one of the reasons why I so infrequently feel well-rested in the morning is because I have some crazy dreams.

In my dreams, I am working harder than I do when I am awake. They frequently involve heated arguments or high speed chases or other emotionally and physically strenuous activity.

Por ejemplo: yesterday morning I woke with plenty of time to make it to the gym for an early workout. It was my plan. I hopped in the car, made a wrong turn (it was early), but managed to get in a workout. And then I woke up. Seriously. I DREAMED that I went to the gym. Have you ever been mad at yourself for dreaming something instead of actually doing it?

And last night - maybe inspired by some cool chat fodder, my REM carried me and some friends to Broadway, where we were trying to take in a show, but instead were led downstairs to some kind of basement theater (which turned out actually to be a rooftop) in which Bill Cosby and Felicia Rashaad were performing a play to an empty venue with ridiculously steep stadium seating. Not brave enough to descend to seats with a better view, my dream friends and I set up camp in the top row, while The Huxtables started the show over again for our benefit. Apparently, being on the roof that was in the basement was challenging for a stage manager, so the principals kept asking us for props.

Being the resourceful mom-on-the-go that I am, I was well prepared when Mr. Cosby requested a plastic bag. I tossed it down to him before I remembered that in the bag was a PB&J I had packed for a snack. He thanked me for the bag...and then Bill Cosby ate my sandwich.

There was more lunacy to follow, but I'm just saying... it's weird to wake up exhausted and mad at Bill Cosby.


Loren Eaton said…
Post title = classic!
cool mum said…
I think it's a sign...we're going to see the Huxtables (in an off-Broadway production?) after having a Rockette experience!
Amy said…
Loren - It was actually the post title that made me write the story - i kept reliving it in my head and laughing at that part.

CM - off-Broadway, or under-Broadway, but actually above Broadway...either way it would rock. :)
Autumn said…
I realize I'm only just now getting around to this post, been busy...

Great Post, awesome title...and I think it's amazing to even remember any part of a dream...I rarely do. At the moment, I wish I could wake up and be mad at Bill Cosby, but not exhausted. I do that well enough on my own.

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