Raise your hand if you watched too much TV as a kid!

Cruising is, quite possibly, the most comprehensively wonderful vacation option available to a person.

This was our second annual getaway with this group of friends, and we each have our favorite activities - or our favorite lack of activities. We have readers and gamblers and people watchers and eaters (well, we're all eaters, really). Sightseers and sun-worshipers and beachgoers. We are united in our love of a good time and our genuine desire to just be together. And we are united in our innate need to dominate the competition.

Competition, you say? Ohhhhhh yes. MY kind of competition. Full contact, all brains on deck, bring-your-A-game trivia.

Like I said, cruising is the perfect vacation, because there are trivia contests like every 3 hours when you're onboard.

Last year, we dominated. The six of us left the ship with the spoils of victory: keychains, luggage tags and those little waterproof cases you hang around your neck. We were unbeatable.

This year we started out strong with Movie Tune Trivia, one of my specialties. Having spent a fair amount of time working in movie-themed theme parks, I probably have an unfair advantage. So we won, and again, our appetites were whetted. Need. More. Trivia.

The next two competitions were TV Tune Trivia, and as it turned out, not one of my specialties. I mean, I knew a lot of them, but Mandi...Mandi knew more. And she knew them immediately. As if she had just watched "Who's the Boss" yesterday. And then, come to find out, she HAD. This is, evidently, the drawback of not having cable. It affects my TV Tune Trivia prowess.

I could knock out the easy ones, like Growing Pains, Facts of Life, Cheers, and 90210. Matt came on strong with the A*Team and Knight Rider. Mandi knew the rest of them. But our winning streak was over...there was always someone in the crowd who'd watched more TV than us, which I guess is okay.

The point of this story is that we have been singing 80s TV Theme songs for 4 days now. What's your favorite?


Justmatt said…
Don't let Amy fool you - we made it to the finals on TV tune triva -and lost on the tune for "Who's the Boss" - arrrrrghhh...

But as Amy mentioned we did rock it on the majority of the tunes - comeplete with synchronized 'Fist Pumps' when the 90210 theme came on - to the joy and amazment of our friends. We do aim to not only win, but also to please all those in attendance.
You people are slightly intimidating and scary. I, too, love trivia and am a cornicopia of useless knowledge. I am just not that competative. I don't NEED to win. I used to need it but a am now in recovery.
Anonymous said…
80's tunes...



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