About that hiatus...

We have just returned from a delightful mini-vacation, sans kids. I would have told you, faithful readers, that I was leaving, but I didn't want to put that much information out here on the interweb where all the scaries could read it and deduce that my house sat empty. Which wasn't actually the case - in fact it was quite filled up with grandparents and kiddos - but either way, I didn't want to give the stalkers the notion that it would be okay to come knocking. Not that anyone coming to take anything out of my house would actually find anything worth taking.

Seriously. If you're reading this and thinking about breaking into my house the next time I accidentally mention we're going on vacation, let me save you some time: Don't bother. Unless you're REALLY into High School Musical. Then we could probably hook you up.

So like I was saying, this morning we stepped off a ship, having sailed the high seas for the last 4 nights. Though we are well-tanned, well-fed and well-rested, re-entry is always trying. There are bags to unpack and laundry to do and routines to start back up, but it will be okay. Because we have been on a cruise for 4 nights, and that makes up for everything.

Our deepest gratitude to the grandparents who watched the kids so that we could go be grownups for a bit!


Yes, we did! I hope you had a great time!
cool mum said…
That whole first paragraph was EXACTLY a thought process that I go through every time we're about to leave town. Awesome. Congrats on the vacation!

BTW, did you pull out some of those old formal dresses for the Captain's Dinner or similar cruise event? (why do most cruises have a captain's dinner anyways? i'm sure the captain has absolutely nothing to do with it...and i'm also sure he probably gets to eat dinner the other nights of the cruise too...)
Amy said…
cool mum - THAT would have been a great idea! This was actually our second annual one of these with the same group of friends, and we were all kind of "over" the formal night so we were a casual-formal, but next year: old bridesmaids dresses it is! And actually, the Captain sat right next to our table, in his full dress uniform, with some group of bigwigs. We did wonder if he has to make a big deal out of the same meal every 4 days or whatever. That would be exhausting. We also wondered who was driving the boat while he was lounging at dinner.
Justmatt said…
Marc sure wasn't! I can't believe they wounldn't let him drive the ship for his bday...Oh and BTW Amy - it is a Ship not a boat - a wise woman who used to work for a cruiseline burned that in to my thick skull. : )

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