Knowledge is Power

Yesterday, my almost 5-year-old chose not to nap. This is understandable, as she is almost 5 years old.

But I try to make it clear that she cannot choose not to nap, and then get up and do whatever she wants to do. So after the lecture, when she gets the usual lines about "choosing to be obedient" and "napping keeps us healthy," etc., she started asking for things.

Computer? (me: nope.)

Movie? (me: nope.)

Snack? (me: nope.) (It was close to dinner time, I was not depriving my child)

Well, what about my little sister? Will she get a snack? (me: maybe. She's taking a good nap.)

Well, that's not fair! (me: i'm not concerned with fair.)

Well, you know what? Martin Luther King worked so that everything would be fair for all people and if you give my little sister a snack and not me then that's not fair and Martin Luther King would be VERY unhappy about that. (me: ...stifling laughter and walking away)


How marvelous that your children nap! I decided that I didn't have the time to argue with Lexi for an hour to have her rest for 20 minutes. So, she doesn't nap. I love the MLK argument. I wonder if he ever imagined his hard work and bravery would be used to justify a snack.

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