I don't really care about the Oscars

But I'm sad that Johnny didn't win.


Cool Dad said…
i thought that i should turn on the Oscars to be relevant. but that meant opening the armoire, turning on the TV, finding the channel...
Amy said…
I should clarify - I didn't actually stay AWAKE long enough to see Johnny get snubbed (again). I had to find out this morning.
Amy said…
Oh, dear...out to prove you're more out of touch than I am, are you Jennifer? :)

Depp. Johnny Depp. I've been a fan since junior high. The posters on my wall of the unknown 21 Jumpstreet star made me weird then, but they laid a foundation for a teeny bit of relevance now. As long as Johnny makes movies, I'll have a dog in the fight.
Justmatt said…
and yes Jennifer those posters are still on our bedroom walls...they are "collectors items" you know.
Oh me oh my! "Collectors items"
That is how my husband justifies all of his toys (and buying Jack two of a toy so one can never be taken out of its packaging).

Yes, I do know Johnny Depp. Yes, I was in love with him from 21 Jump Street. I even sort of had a crush when he wore angora in Ed Wood. I just didn't realize he had achieved the Madonna one name status.
Justmatt said…
Mil is a very smart man - perhaps if we get you to come visit he can look - not touch - my 'still in the package' star wars collection!
He would never have the self-control not to touch! He might even drool a little. In fact, I have decided not to tell him you have this collection. He would pack us up in the car tonight and we would arrive on your doorstep sometime tomorrow.
Amy said…
Matt! Quick! Call Mil!
Really bad idea, Amy. Both my kids have chicken pox! (And, yes, both were vaccinated.)
Justmatt said…
What are the chicken pox? Aren't those a thing of the past - like polio and yellow fever? : )
No, my pediatrician, also a good friend, assures me that getting the vaccine is no garrantee that one will avoid chicken pox. It does seem to assure that one will not be among the 400 people killed by chicken pox each year.(?!?!) So, both the kids are spotting. Neither is feverish or itchy. Both are trapped in the house, out of school and stir crazy. We are having a Star Wars marathon.
Justmatt said…
Ahhh...that should cure them! The Force can cure anything!

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