I've seen a lot of stuff.

But today, I saw a guy riding a cooler. Not this guy, but a guy. Riding a cooler. With a motor. He was riding a cooler with a motor, and handles and wheels and stuff.

Best news of the day: You can have one too!

(photo: CC ninjapoodles, March 2007)


Justmatt said…
Does this mean you can drink and drive?
That's got to be illegal!
Jim Jordan said…
The bummer is that if you want another beer, you have to get up...
Amy said…
Jim, good point. The website actually advertises little trailer coolers that hook on to the back of this one, so maybe that's the answer - you just lean back and open your trailer for your next drink.
Justmatt said…
The world would be a better place if more people (including me) had one of these.

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