
Last December 31, I wrote this:


I am not feeling bold or committed enough to record any resolutions this year. I think, because, I've learned how easily my mind can change, and that what is important to me now may not be relevant to my life in a month. I suppose that is what's fun about them - to look back next year and think, "Oh, how cute, on January 2nd, before I broke my arm, I really planned to play tennis three times a week." But that's not how it works for me. I know myself well enough to know that I would either 1)waste time accomplishing silly goals simply because they're written down and I am bound by my driven personality to accomplish them, or 2) feel ridiculous amounts of guilt for not accomplishing them.

So where does that leave me? Goalless. Aimless. Heading into 2007 with no plans. Nothing I want to change or make better. No habits to break. I have got it all figured out.

Or, does it leave me knowing that I'm such a screw-up that it's useless to write anything down planning to accomplish it on my own? There is nothing on earth that I can do apart from the Amazing Grace of God. (Amen!)

So, here we go: By the grace of God, I will play tennis regularly this year. (Not once) I will walk more. (Nope) I will read a few classics. (um...not exactly) I'll be nicer, more compassionate, more giving, more faithful. (maybe?) I'll be more loyal, more loving, more patient. (debateable...) I will (please, DEAR LORD) memorize my pieces for my students' upcoming recital. (yay! Hooray! there's a video around somewhere...)

Maybe I'll start my own company, (not yet, but who's in?) or go on a mission trip. (no, but I helped send friends) Maybe I'll have more girls' weekends (doggone it, no) and make more friends (a few). Maybe I'll be more organized, more disciplined, more...together. (lost cause, I fear)

All I can predict is that this year, I will do exactly what God wants me to do, because I believe it's impossible to do anything else. It's kind of freeing, really.

Oh, and, by the Grace of God, I will watch the Gators win the National Championship next Monday night. (GO GATORS!!!)


Well, other than my choice to attend The University of Florida many years ago, that exercise kind of makes me feel like a loser. Let's make a list, instead, of things that God's Grace did allow me to accomplish:

1) I kept two beautiful children alive for another year!

2) I was part of a team that put together a 3 day festival!

3) I didn't strangle any piano students

4) I spent more time in the kitchen

5) I traced my ancestry to the 1700s!

6) Having survived the seven-year-itch, I celebrated a 7th wedding anniversary and am thrilled about the next 57!

For this year: I guess I'll keep throwing tennis out there. And girls' weekends. And I'll keep working toward nicer, more loyal, more giving...there's always room for those...

What are your plans?


Justmatt said…
Come on - you did more of these than you give yourself credit for... FOR EXAMPLE:
- What is another name for Ping Pong? Table TENNIS...maybe you didn't start until 2 days ago - but it WAS in 2007!
- You walk a lot... how else would you get around. You did NOT specify I will walk more for exercise - and thereby have accomplished said goal. Congrats.
- I have personally listened to you read: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The Cat in the Hat, Knuffle Bunny 2 - ALL CLASSICS. Check.
- From an outsider (that is one who is not you) I believe you are more loving, nicer, compassionate, etc. See #s 1,2 & 6 on your "Accomplished goals of 2007"
- New Company - well you DO have your own website!
- Everyday is a mission trip - above our door reads - Enjoy the journey! - Check
- You are with girls EVERY weekend. Check
- As for organized, etc - You got a recipe box for Christmas! CHECK!
berry said…
great post Amy. I'm almost inspired to record some for myself.

As for my thoughts on #'s 1,2,6, you seemed a little more selfish, meaner, and indifferent when we saw you in 2007. But really, 2006 was just a banner year for you in all those areas. You were tremendous in 2007 but a year like you had in 2006 only comes around once in a lifetime.

I agree with Matt on everything else.
Amy said…
Bear, I know. I just don't know what happened in 2007! At least I wasn't swearing at the Home Depot lady as much as I did in 2005.
Amy said…
ha! I loved that story for its honesty and relateability. Kind of why I love you guys, too! :D
Cool Dad said…
Sounds like you had a fine year to me! There's always the possibility of a girls' tennis weekend, right? And there's always the Wii if you don't feel like actually going outside. I usually don't. My laptop battery doesn't last that long.

My plans other than usual spiritual stuff?

1) Eat. Eat. Eat.
2) Finish my writing.
3) Write songs.
4) Blog well.
5) Get haircuts.
6) Wear socks.

At worst, I'll hopefully go 50%. Low, obvious goals. It's the American way!
Amy said…
Eating and wearing socks are such great, manageable goals! Good call, Cool Dad. And you're bound to blog well. Getting haircuts is actually immensely difficult for me, so good luck with that. And the spiritual stuff - I'm torn about whether we can actually set spiritual goals or resolutions, you know, with the whole sovereignty of God thing? What do you guys think?
Cool Dad said…
"Growing closer to God" is an ironic one, because will there ever be a year when that's not a resolution?

Like "Yeah, I grew REALLY close to God last year, so I think I'm kind of done with that." If anything, let's make that a daily resolution.

I guess there good spiritual ones that are tangible, like reading the whole bible this year.
Justmatt said…
If you're gonna get close to God make sure it is his backside...you don't want your face to melt b/c of His radiance.
Rebecca said…
My sole goal for 2008 is a girls' weekend (for those 30 and above, Matt) with Amy that involves a food mascot.
Amy said…
Hooray for food mascots! We're open to suggestions...Think "Mr. Garlic"
Justmatt said…
Speaking of Mr. Garlic...guess when the Delray Beach Garlic fest is? Feb 8-10! And guess who is playing on the 9th?! BLUES TRAVELER! I could've got a hermonica for my bday! Dang 'ol BSF Retreat...

Oh, and rebecca - you have too many stipulations for your retreats : )
Matt, we will miss you at the garlic Festival... nothing beats that garlic icecream!
Justmatt said…
I wrote a little poem about garlic ice cream:
Garlic Ice cream is cold
Garlic Ice cream is bold
Galic Ice cream taste like it is made of mold..but not like cheese.

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