A Book Review, Sort of.

Mom sat down next to me and held out this book. I'd asked her for something "gripping" to read and she returned with a few selections, but "This one...is different. Kind of depressing. But hang in there, get through it. Really interesting."

I love mom's book descriptions. Her recommendations are always reliable, but I always start with the one she lays her palm on and starts reviewing with a disclaimer.

Cormac McCarthy's The Road was no exception. It was different. It was depressing. And to add my own words: haunting, terrifying, beautiful, hopeful. Thought-provoking. Biblically relevant. Full of "what-ifs" that follow me around. Packed with the kind of imagery that adds depth to my perception of everyday things.

The unfolding of the setting is the most powerful part, and I refuse to spoil it for you if you haven't read it. So read it, and let's discuss.


Loren Eaton said…
The only Cormac McCarthy novel I've ever read was No Country For Old Men, which was incredibly violent. (Lots of description of what various kinds of bullet loads do to the human body and in-depth explanation of how to treat such wounds. At home. In your bathtub.) I loved his style, though. I've heard The Road is a lot more hopeful. Might check it out.
Amy said…
I can easily see how McCarthy would tend toward the gruesome - it was kind of muted in this one, but definitely there. I may pick up another of his - but I'm thinking not No Country!

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