I did NOT carry a watermelon
I would like to report that Donald Miller and I are BFFs and that he invited us to climb Mt. Hood with him this summer. Or maybe that part happened after I finally got to go to bed on Tuesday night. I do think we could be BFFs, though. If I ever could think of something coherent to say to him. After partaking in Taco Tuesday at Tijuana Flats, a small group (eight) of us climbed the stairs to Rocketown about 15 minutes before "show time," to find another small group of people waiting in line. Turns out, that small group and our small group made up about half of the audience. I felt like the show had been underpromoted, but the "crowd" of 50 was surprising. I felt a little embarrassed for South Florida, and a little sad, and a little awkward for Don because speaking in front of an uncomfortably small audience is, well, uncomfortable. But it made it really easy to get a front row seat. I wasn't really after a front row seat, but that's where we ended up. The fr...