Sometimes, I don't pay attention in church
I made up a new word! As you may know, I have a hard time paying attention during the service these days. I really do try, but when there are sermon notes calling me to play "fill in the blanks," I just can't help myself. It's like a churchy Mad Lib. Who can resist? Truthfully, I haven't allowed myself to get into making up funny answers - because, being my own biggest fan, I fear I will crack myself up and get to uncontrollable giggling and that, in my 30 years of maturity, is really what I concentrate my efforts to avoid each week. No, I honestly try to come up with the right answers before Pastor gets to them. I'm pretty good. Sometimes he throws a surprise in there for me, but most of the time, if I land on the right alliteration (all 'C's', for example) then I'm golden. Today, however, was not one of those days. He was all over the place. But, I was confident that I'd nailed the third blank: "Loneliness can deepen your ________....