
Showing posts from November, 2010

My Thankful Blog

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, His love endures forever. " Psalm 136:1 him alone who ordained this marriage, His love endures forever . ...who knit together these children, His love endures forever. the God who created sunny days and beaches, His love endures forever. the Holy one who sends the cooling rain, His love endures forever. God on high whose eye sees, whose wing protects, whose heart forgives, His love endures forever. Abba, Father, provider and sustainer, His love endures forever. ...By his sovereign hand we are placed in a free nation, a land of plenty, His love endures forever ...surrounded by beauty, His love endures forever ...rescued from death through Amazing Love, His love endures forever. ...resting in Amazing Grace, His love endures forever . ...hoping in Amazing Jesus, His love endures forever.

A Lesson in Politics - BSF Style

Whenever I feel like I am unable to do anything consistently, I need to remember BSF. If you don't know what BSF is, go here and find a class near you and sign up. It will change your life, I promise. Though life as a young married person and then a parent of babies and now a parent of elementary-age kids is anything but consistent or predictable, and though I have lamented over and over again about how hard it is to maintain friendships, keep commitments or complete tasks, I must remember that BSF has been a constant for the last ten years of my life. God has faithfully opened doors and created ways for me to be in class weekly for ten years. That's pretty consistent. Consistent, but never boring. Now that the girls are old enough for the School Program, Matt and I have the privilege of studying with them. We try to begin each day by helping them do their lessons - which are every bit as challenging as ours are. How many other 5 & 7 year olds are going word-by-word throu...