When Grace Doesn't Do the Dishes
My eyes squint open, and I get my bearings. My bed. Light coming in the window. What morning is it? Tuesday. What's on the schedule today? I don't hear kids. Where are the kids? Oh, right - at mom's. I need to go get them so they can get home and do school and piano. Remember to thank mom for keeping them so we could go meet Adriana. Adriana, who has been a friend forever. Hooray for forever friends. How am I feeling today? Stretch everything - it all seems to be working. Open hands and stretch, close hands. Open hands and stretch, close hands. Joints all lubed up and ready to go. Check phone for missed calls or texts overnight, not because I'm so popular but because I have so much family nearby and anything can happen at anytime. Hooray for so much family nearby. So much to be thankful for. So wait, then, why am I crying? Why, when I wake up in good health, surrounded by people who love me and who require a relative precious little of me, in a well-built, air condi...