Discontent, or, Sometimes I Just Need to Write it Out
Here is a question I've been asking myself this week: If I am not content with my life - is it because God is asking me to move, or because I am asking Him to move? This question came up as I was studying Isaiah this week, and it comes at a time when I am not particularly discontent. This gives me cause for alarm, because usually when something is playing on a loop in my head, I am given the opportunity to apply it in the not-too-distant future. So I am asking a few follow up questions. Since the life of a Jesus follower is not generally marked by "contentedness," would the inverse also apply? If I AM content with my life (which I am, thankyouverymuch )- is it because I am where God wants me to be, or is it because I am NOT where God wants me to be? Does God even desire contentedness? I know he's not especially concerned with things like "comfort zones" or "safe places," as he is always calling people out of the boats and whatnot. So does...