
Showing posts from February, 2011

Discontent, or, Sometimes I Just Need to Write it Out

Here is a question I've been asking myself this week: If I am not content with my life - is it because God is asking me to move, or because I am asking Him to move?  This question came up as I was studying Isaiah this week, and it comes at a time when I am not particularly discontent. This gives me cause for alarm, because usually when something is playing on a loop in my head, I am given the opportunity to apply it in the not-too-distant future.  So I am asking a few follow up questions. Since the life of a Jesus follower is not generally marked by "contentedness," would the inverse also apply? If I AM content with my life (which I am, thankyouverymuch )- is it because I am where God wants me to be, or is it because I am NOT where God wants me to be? Does God even desire contentedness? I know he's not especially concerned with things like "comfort zones" or "safe places," as he is always calling people out of the boats and whatnot. So does...

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone...

God and I have this funny little arrangement. It's like he knows me or something. He knows, for example, that I like ideas. He knows this, of course, because He puts them there. And He knows that I have an - let's call it "ironic" - sense of humor. I'd venture to say He put that there, too. He knows that I like to hear from him, but that I sometimes have a hard time being quiet enough to listen. And he knows that I don't really look forward to going to church, but that I know I need to be there. So this funny little arrangement is this: He gets me to church and lets me sit with friends who make me happy.  Then He makes me be quiet through a sermon with a Bible on my lap, and He starts whispering. I think He knows I'll find it tremendously amusing that He chooses to speak to me while someone else is trying to speak to me about Him. I'm sitting there, trying to pay attention, and God is there making all of this racket and distracting me throughout the...