Shortcutting the Details
Weeks have passed - maybe even months - since I have felt "inspired enough" to write something. Well, something greater than 422 characters. I did think once last week that I should write up a little piece on my admiration of root beer. But lately, in my ever-accelerating life, every passing essay idea of merit ends up as a facebook status. It's lazy man's writing. I got a Kindle for Christmas. I didn't want a Kindle for Christmas. But now I can't put my Kindle down. At first, I was delighted to find that I could use it to play games. The compulsive, addictive kind of find-a-word games with levels enticing you to go ever faster and ever higher and think of oneself as ever superior, engrossed in your book-sized screen while the kids in the other room maim each other with their Christmas toys. This was not an activity that I could feel good about. But then, glorious day! I discovered that I had access to everything that my parents - the bestowers of the Kindle ...