The Idea

"What if you blogged about your weight loss, Ame?" he said, like always, doing his best to support his fluctuating and frustrated wife. "I mean, blogging seems to help you organize your thoughts and you're good at it, and..." I saw where he was going. I didn't like it. Bravely ignoring my scowl, he continued. "It might provide that extra accountability you say you need. You know, apart from me." Agh! He said it. Kill switch: Engage. "Nope. I don't need accountability . If I'm going to do this, it has to come from me," I snapped. "Well, but, you like to wri-" "I know I like to write. But who wants to read about what I did and didn't eat today or whether or not I exercised? I'll lose my entire readership!" Snapping again. But I knew that one wouldn't fly. I don't have a readership. That was sometime last year. The idea of blogging my way through weight loss sounded a little like letting the public...